Broadway United Methodist Student Ministry: BUMS
Youth Sunday school
- Middle School Sunday School (grades 6-8) class: meets in the basement, taught by Katie Ramer.
- High School Sunday School class: meets on the 2nd floor in the Educational Wing, taught by Dave and Karyn Carroll (please see “Glory Days Sunday school class” for more information).
Glory Days Sunday school class (High School & College students)
Time: Sunday Mornings 9:30-10:20am
Leaders: Dave & Karyn Carroll
BUMS Sunday Gathering: Large group get together where we pray, have a devotion and EAT following Sunday morning worship service! (Through the school year)
Retreats: Retreats for junior and senior high students are planned throughout the year.
Mission and Service: Opportunities to share Christ with the world through mission and service are scheduled both locally and out of town. These experiences put faith into action!

Weekly Meetings / Details TBA
Confirmation classes are offered to 6th graders + and offer a chance to learn more about the faith, make a commitment to the church and the life choice of following Jesus. We often speak of Confirmation as the springing board to our walk with Christ.
Meagan Musselman is the Director of Student Ministries. You may contact her via e-mail or telephone at 270.443.2401.