Two sacraments are celebrated in the United Methodist Church: Baptism and Holy Communion.
Baptism is a sign of God’s grace. It is an act of God, witnessed in community, by which we are welcomed into the family of God. Baptism is administered to all ages including infants. The method of baptism may be sprinkled, poured, or immersed. Because baptism calls us to nurture one another, it is celebrated with the congregation during worship. Baptism is of God; therefore, if one has been baptised at another church-regardless of denomination-United Methodism recognizes and celebrates that one baptism! For more information, please call the church office and request a visit with the Pastor.
Holy Communion is a means of God’s grace. It is a sharing in fellowship of bread and juice in rememberance of Jesus Christ. The Communion table is God’s table. It is not the table of The United Methodist Church or Broadway United Methodist Church, therefore it is open to all of every age and station. You do not need to be a member of Broadway UMC or any church to partake. It is only asked that you repent of sin (turn away from sin) and turn toward's God's love. It nurishes us to lead our life in Christ. At Broadway, we traditionally celebrate Communion on the first Sunday of each month and during seasonal worship services. We also have a team dedicated to sharing communion with those who cannot attend worship services. For more information, please contact the church office.
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Broadway United Methodist Church welcomes all to join in worship. We look forward to hearing from you and sharing the many ways we imagine, embrace, and grow in God's grace and seek to share Christ with our neighbors and the world.