Wednesday Night
During the school year, Children learn about the Bible while developing their faith and personal relationship with God. We learn how to serve God in our church as well as other missions. Come join us as we learn, grow, and have fun together! Visitors are always welcome! Please contact the church office for more information.
Sunday School
Sunday school classes are available for Preschool/Kindergarten; 1st & 2nd Grade; and 3-5th Grades (YUMS- Young United Methodist Students). Each class has designated teachers with assistants who are on a rotation. Opportunities include Bible study, fun, fellowship, and mission activities throughout the year. Children are offered a musical opportunity each Sunday morning during Gathering Time from 9:30-9:45 with Ms. Natalie Krupansky, choir director. They share the songs they learn throughout the year during Sunday morning worship.
Children’s Moments
Children’s Moments are part of morning worship each Sunday. The children are invited to come to the front of the sanctuary where Rev. Justin Ramer will present a “mini-lesson” that relates to the scripture and sermon for that day.
Seasonal Events
Various seasonal events are a part of the Children’s Ministry at Broadway United Methodist Church. Annual events include Preschool Track Meet, Bible Stories Come to Life, Children’s Christmas Party, Family Advent Workshop, Live Nativity, Brooks Stadium Baseball Game, Breakfast With the Easter Bunny, Vacation Bible School, Trunk-or-Treat and present their annual children’s Christmas program during morning worship in December. We also observe Children's Sabbath and actively seek to offer hope and love for all children around the world.
Kids in Mission
The children are taught to serve God by serving others. Missions the children have participated in include shoebox ministry, filling flood buckets, placing warm scarves, gloves and hats in our downtown area, collecting items for the local warming center, making cards for homebound church members, etc. Children learn the importance of helping others during these mission activities.
This program is a Bible based archery curriculum where children learn to make God the "target" of their lives. Each session includes time on the range as well as Bible study or devotion time. Centershot is normally scheduled during our Wednesday Night Programs. Not only can children learn and grow, but parents and leaders can too! If you would like to volunteer as a leader, please call the church office.
Itty Bitty Broadway Bakers
Itty Bitty Broadway Bakers is an opportunity to get together and have fun learning to bake something, decorate something and maybe share our treats with others. This class offers an opportunity for children ages 3 and up to learn baking skills, cupcake/cookie decorating, etc. The children occasionally bake the bread for Holy Communion. They love sharing their creations with the local warming center.
Mother’s Day Out
One of the longest-running programs of its kind in the city of Paducah, Mothers Day Out provides a safe environment for young children on Tuesday and Thursday (9a.m. - 2p.m.) throughout the school year. Special events are offered throughout the year such as Breakfast With Santa, and MDO children are always invited to participate in any of the Children’s Activities at the church.
Click here for more information including registration
Parent's Night Out
Available on the second Friday night of each month (other than summer months), from 5-10 p.m. we are happy to offer safe, reliable babysitting while you enjoy a night out for dinner, a movie or shopping. Parents need to bring a “peanut free” dinner for their child, as a meal is not included. Contact Donna Keeling at 443-2401 ext 113 or 119 to make reservations or for more information.
From 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. Please register by calling Donna Keeling (270)443-2401 no later than the Tuesday prior to the date needed.