The Music Ministry at Broadway United Methodist Church is dedicated to enabling everyone to experience the presence and power of God Our Father through congregational singing, choral singing in the Chancel Choir, small choral ensembles, instrumental music, Handbells, and in our Children’s music programs. It is our desire to glorify God through music in all gatherings and programs.
We strive to embody the gospel of Jesus Christ and his mission by reaching out to each other, the community, and the world; nurturing one another in the life of the church as we proclaim the gospel through music. We celebrate our Music Programs each fall, usually the last part of September or first of October, with Music Dedication Sunday, where we dedicated ourselves, our music, and all of our music programs to the Glory of God. All of our music programs are involved in participating in this Worship Service.
Chancel Choir -- (please contact Natalie Krupansky for information)
The Chancel Choir is a non-auditioned group of dedicated singers who meet on Wednesday evenings. The choir currently has over 40 registered members, which is made up of singers from all walks of life and professions. The choir is open to singers from 9th grade though adult. The Chancel Choir is a supportive fellowship with numerous opportunities to deepening friendships and caring for one other. In addition to leading in Worship each Sunday morning for our 10:30 Traditional Worship Service, and is comprised of people of all musical abilities from professional musicians to those that have done very little to no singing. The choir presents numerous special programs though-out the church year, usually with a small chamber orchestra and organ or brass choir, percussion and organ. The Chancel Choir continues the rich heritage of “excellence” in its singing and in the outstanding literature it sings. It continues to be an important part of each worship service. The chancel choir sings with our magnificent organ each week and on special occasions with a variety of different instrumentals.
If interested in visiting or joining the Choir, please email Natalie Krupansky or call 270-443-2401.
Children’s Music Programs
Broadway shares the joy of God’s gift of music with our children in our children’s choir programs. Whether singing in our 10:30 worship service or for our Wednesday Evening gatherings, our children are directed by professionals who provide a musical education coupled with Christian teachings.
Original Organ built by Moeller.
Most recent renovation of the organ was completed January 2016. New console in addition of a new Solo Trumpet.
Rebuilt and added to by Randall Dyer & Associates
16' Quintadena |
8' Solo Trumpet (ped) |
Chimes |
8' Principal |
8' Bourdon |
Great to Great 16 |
8' Spitzflote |
Great to Great 4 |
4' Octave |
Great Unison Off |
4' Spillflote |
2' Super Octave |
IV Mixture |
8' Rohrflote |
16' Basson |
8' Viole |
8' Trompette |
8' Viole Celeste TC |
8' Basson (ext from 16) |
4' Principal |
8' Vox Humana |
4' Flute Harmonique |
4' Clairon |
2 2/3' Nasard |
2' Flachflote |
Swell to Swell 16 |
1 3/5 Tierce |
Swell to Swell 4 |
III Plein Jeu |
Tremulan |
8' Gedackt |
8' Solo Trumpet (ped) |
Harp (from C2) |
8' Dulciana |
8' Krummhorn |
8' Unda Maris TC |
4' Nachthorn |
Choir to Choir 16 |
2' Principal |
Choir to Choir 4 |
1 1/3' Quinte |
Choir Unison Off |
III Zimbel |
Tremulant |
(in ceiling over center of nave)
(uses the choir manual)
8' Fern Flute |
8' Vox Humana |
8' Muted Viole |
8' Viole Celeste TC |
Tremulant |
4' Flute |
II Violine |
32' Resultant |
16' Posaune |
16' Principal |
16' Basson (from Sw) |
16' Bourdon |
8' Trompete (ext from Posaune) |
16' Quintadena (from Gt) |
4' Klarine (ext from Posaune) |
16' Rohrflotebass (ext. from Sw) |
4' Basson (from Sw) |
8' Octave |
8' Bourdon (ext. from 16') |
8' Spitzflote (from Gt) |
4' Choralbass |
4' Spitzflote (from Gt) |
II Raushcquinte |
Gt to Ped 8 |
Sw to Gt 16 |
Ch to Sw 8 |
Sw to Ch 16 |
Sw to Ped 8 |
Sw to Gt 8 |
Sw to Ch 8 |
Sw to Ped 4 |
Sw to Gt 4 |
Sw to Ch 4 |
Ch to Ped 8 |
Ch to Gt 16 |
Ch to Ped 4 |
Ch to Gt 8 |
Ch to Gt 4 |
10 General with Toe Studs |
Cymbelstern Toe Stud |
6 Swell |
Sw to Ped with Toe Stud |
6 Great |
Gt to Ped with Toe Stud |
6 Choir |
Ch to Ped with Toe Stud |
6 Pedal |
Full Organ with Toe Stud |
Cancel & Set buttons |
Handbell Choir
Meeting Time- Thursday nights at 6:00 p.m.
Director-Natalie Krupansky
The Fellowship Ringers is open to anyone interested in playing handbells. It is very helpful to know how to read basic music and basic rhythms, but not a requirement. The Bell choir plays for Worship though-out the year and for special occasions in the life of our church. It is a very diverse group of ringers, from the very experienced ringer to beginner. We have a five octave set of Schulmerich Bells and Choir Chimes. If interested in joining or visiting the fellowship ringers contact Natalie Krupansky or a current member.
History of the Handbell
The first tuned handbells were developed by brothers Robert and Willam Cor in Aldbourne, Wiltshire, England, between 1696 and 1724. After some experimenting the brothers began tuning their bells more finely to have an accurate fundamental tone, and fitted them with hinged clappers that moved only in one plane.
Originally, tuned sets of handbells were used by change ringers to rehearse outside their towers. The handbell sets used by change ringers had the same number of bells as in the towers, usually six or twelve tuned to a diatonic scale. Handbells were first brought to the United States from England by Margaret Shurcliff in 1902. Almost all of the bells used in the US are English handbells and is a reference to a specific type of bell, not to the country of orgin.
Malmark and Schulmerich Carillons, are where the majority of handbells are crafted today.
Broadway Music Ministry Staff
Natalie Krupansky, Director of Music Ministries
Nancy Ryan, Organist
Dr. Jack Dressler, Organist